Monday, December 21, 2015

Winter Garden Pavers, Winter Tasks and A Meditation On Gardening

Keeping with a winter theme here in Florida. Where the garden and
yard chores slow down some in spite of the record rains that we have
received. I use the word chores lightly, after all I am a constant gardener.

Time can be spent on some welcomed changes and or additions to our
landscapes.  I moved some old pavers and block to make use of these
momentoes from my grandmother's garden.

More recently I utilized these pavers as a garden element for my Dragon Fruit,
which I had started from seed around this time last year. Well, these dragons
got slayed by some slugs. No pictures forth coming on that slaying, out of
respect for these once mighty dragons.

These repurposed pavers will help me to navigate my going back and forth to
an outlet that I've been using for my Christmas lights. Making this both practical
and appealing gives me many reasons and challenges that makes my time
in the garden all the worth while.

I just found the saw in this Saw Palmetto. I just cut my finger and have to
tend to it.

This potted Horsetail is being salvaged from it's once ideal settings, with it's
feet in a recirculating basin of water. I've witnessed it's life cycle and this is
it's second year growth. One of many reasons for gardening. I feel that it's
water environment was an unwanted attraction of our urban wild life of
opossums and raccoons and this was not my intentions.

I say to many when they either see my yard or I mention how much I enjoy
my time in the garden, how gardening to me is a form of meditation. This is from
one who finds it challenging to staying still while the few times practicing meditation.
A still meditation to which is most associated with the practice. While there is a
form of walking meditation which, may be why I associate this time gardening to a
practice of meditation.

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