Wednesday, December 23, 2015

First Meal Or An Experiment , My Declaration

What percentage of modifications or additions to a familiar recipe constitutes
an experiment? Today's changes to some tuna salad, added pickles and some
peanut butter gave me some of a noticeable tastebud awakening that I was hoping
for on this quest for a little something different. To accompany a mornings walk
around the lake.

 This blog is also an experiment in getting out of my comfort zone. My more
than  the obvious lack of writing abilities and all that goes with it. No point in
belaboring the obvious and yet I feel that it is doing what practice does.
Not only addressing what needs help, whether it is self help at this
point. It manifest it's influence elsewhere, noticeably or not. Not much
different from the act of nourishment that we take from the food that we
put in our body. Trying to make good with what tools and knowledge
that we are possessed with and use.

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