Sunday, April 5, 2015

This morning's Garden Tour

Down the path to some hanging Pigeon Peas - Cajanus cajan.
Swollen Shell Ginger - Alpinia zerumbet capsule.

The shells are emerging from it's bed.

Opening up like a clam at a Sunday clam bake.

Yesterday Today and Tommorrow - Brunfelsia pauciflora.

African Iris - Dietes iridioides in full splender

and with added splash of sunshine.

A study in texture, showcasing the Amaryllis. 

The Blue Agave - Agave azul none more bluer and true.

Variegated Caribbean Agave - Agave angustifolia from buddies garden.

Variegated Conferderate Jasmine - Trachelospermum jasminoides carpets the front yard.

 Taxodium ascendens - Pondcypress with the distinguishing vertical new growth needles.

Taxodium ascendens - Pondcypress in the foreground and behind that is the Taxodium distichum - Baldcypress.










  This Blue agave is bigger than it looks. It's about nine feet in diameter







and with beautiful architecture.






Who wouldn't want to worship at this cathedral of nature.

What more can I say other than time to take a break from blogging and go paint/prime some windowsill trim.


Have to pay a fitness tax of three three mile laps on my bike for sitting in front of PC. BRB!

The compost refugee (small pic @left) has been rescued and given a new home. I have every reason to believe that it is a commercial grown variety called Compari.



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