Thursday, April 2, 2015

Plant expose - Where every plant has a story and every story has a plant.

Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey' Fig  

This Brown Turkey Fig tree once belonged to my paternal Grandmother.
 Where I had planted it into the ground where it did well but not great. Since
she had moved up north to live with her son in her final years I had dug it up
 and tried planting it the ground at my place. Once again it did ok so I decided
 to give it a potted culture ever since and that is going on twenty five years now.
Just two years ago I decided to turn it on its side and clear away the base to
reveal a macro bonsai specimen , which is a on going progress.

Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey' Fig - Apr 2,2015
I'm lucky to get a handful of figs from this ole girl. - Apr 2,2015

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