Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Keep them horses corralled - Rough Horsetail - Equisetum hyemale

   Only had this specimen not even a
year and the canes turned brown. So
I had to cut it back to the remaining
green. I'm not sure what caused the
browning, either its completed its
cycle or something else.
   I had another stand of horsetail but
it also turned brown. So I tossed it
because it was either dead and was
not as robust as this one here.
   I keep an aquarium air pump and
air stone to recirculate the water, so
as not get any mosquitoes.
   Horsetail prefers to have a wet
environment so the container retains
water and keeps it from sending
runners, which could get invasive.
   I also have some pond lighting that
comes on at night for some dramatic
up lighting for the statuesque Crape
Myrtle standing to the left.

  There is also a water lily (cant see) that has come back too and has yet to bloom.
I only had this water lily for about seven months.

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