Saturday, December 26, 2015
A Cherished Clay Wall Vessel
Not that this awesome vessel needed filling although it's utilitarianism calls out
sometimes. What better way than some Peacock eye feathers from this clay
creator's massive Peacock and feather collection.
Biked Our City's New Three Parks Trail
On Christmas day before joining my sister via a cell phone for
her family Christmas meal. Where text and pictures abound
the busy air waves. I wanted to take advantage and balance
that out with taking a spin on this new trail.
Made this trek from my back door and back within an hour.
The start of the trail from my house is about two miles, making
the actual trail shorter than I would have thought.
I biked the trail counter clockwise which gave me a welcomed downhill
push at the beginning of the trail. As much as I wanted to pick up a stray
ribbon from it's inaugural opening, which would add to my collection of
three ribbons, or take a picture of a cloud formation.
With expediency the motivating factor along with the fact that the park
closed at sundown and that being a half hour away. What more motivation
does one need to press one into a race against time and in more ways than
her family Christmas meal. Where text and pictures abound
the busy air waves. I wanted to take advantage and balance
that out with taking a spin on this new trail.
Made this trek from my back door and back within an hour.
The start of the trail from my house is about two miles, making
the actual trail shorter than I would have thought.
I biked the trail counter clockwise which gave me a welcomed downhill
push at the beginning of the trail. As much as I wanted to pick up a stray
ribbon from it's inaugural opening, which would add to my collection of
three ribbons, or take a picture of a cloud formation.
With expediency the motivating factor along with the fact that the park
closed at sundown and that being a half hour away. What more motivation
does one need to press one into a race against time and in more ways than
Winter Solstice Ring Garden Gets Squirrels Blessings
An excuse for this procrastinator and some legit reasons, you take your pick.
This garden make over is pockmarked with craters from squirrels and
no doubt some from cats, that also call this landscape their own.
As soon as these garden critters spy some freshly plowed soil, and I use that
term loosely knowing that his Florida sand is in dire need of plenty of organic
material. I know what your thinking that a cat's business is just added fodder.
I will let things settle down some thus giving the Amaryllis bulblets better odds
at taking hold and thriving.
This garden make over is pockmarked with craters from squirrels and
no doubt some from cats, that also call this landscape their own.
As soon as these garden critters spy some freshly plowed soil, and I use that
term loosely knowing that his Florida sand is in dire need of plenty of organic
material. I know what your thinking that a cat's business is just added fodder.
I will let things settle down some thus giving the Amaryllis bulblets better odds
at taking hold and thriving.
Spring Cleaning the Garden of Winter, Indoor Garden
Removed just a few under performing potted specimens from the landscape.
We are into our natural dry spell of late fall and winter through spring. Punctuated
with some rains here and there. Only watering very very sparingly unlike past
seasons. Besides there isn't any thing natural in watering with treated water.
If you ever noticed how your yard looks after a nice rain, there is no comparison.
As a remembrance to the under performing potted specimens that served well
enough for their time spent here in my garden I created this kitchen windowsill
terrarium. This will carry a lot of beauty that those other plants once had and
With several elements needed to create something from nothing. I had the inspiration,
along with some favorite items that I had collected over time.
My fascination with glass that this cut glass top container with a free form looking base
shows off quite to my liking.Will hold these other natural elements with stones,
translucent orb along with a young fern.
This fern was a volunteer that was growing along with a cactus, of all things. What
could be two more diverse subjects of the Plant Kingdom and yet be found side by
side. Probably says more to why the cactus did not do all that well due to our moist
climate. This cactus wore a coating of rust that covered it head to toe. All the while
this fern sitting at the base of this potted cactus showing how it is thriving. Starting
from a spore that blew in off the wind. Or a spore that rubbed off the side of a lizard
that had clamored up the side of this pot for a perch while scoping out it's next meal.
This live fern adds to my growing indoor plant collection of three. A record for this
month and many years from someone who had vowed not to grow any plants indoors
and even harder to maintain them in this even harsher home environment.
We are into our natural dry spell of late fall and winter through spring. Punctuated
with some rains here and there. Only watering very very sparingly unlike past
seasons. Besides there isn't any thing natural in watering with treated water.
If you ever noticed how your yard looks after a nice rain, there is no comparison.
As a remembrance to the under performing potted specimens that served well
enough for their time spent here in my garden I created this kitchen windowsill
terrarium. This will carry a lot of beauty that those other plants once had and
With several elements needed to create something from nothing. I had the inspiration,
along with some favorite items that I had collected over time.
My fascination with glass that this cut glass top container with a free form looking base
shows off quite to my liking.Will hold these other natural elements with stones,
translucent orb along with a young fern.
This fern was a volunteer that was growing along with a cactus, of all things. What
could be two more diverse subjects of the Plant Kingdom and yet be found side by
side. Probably says more to why the cactus did not do all that well due to our moist
climate. This cactus wore a coating of rust that covered it head to toe. All the while
this fern sitting at the base of this potted cactus showing how it is thriving. Starting
from a spore that blew in off the wind. Or a spore that rubbed off the side of a lizard
that had clamored up the side of this pot for a perch while scoping out it's next meal.
This live fern adds to my growing indoor plant collection of three. A record for this
month and many years from someone who had vowed not to grow any plants indoors
and even harder to maintain them in this even harsher home environment.
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A four thirty perspective and looking at a slight drizzle of rain. |
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Welcome to some artificial lighting little one. |
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
First Meal Or An Experiment , My Declaration
What percentage of modifications or additions to a familiar recipe constitutes
an experiment? Today's changes to some tuna salad, added pickles and some
peanut butter gave me some of a noticeable tastebud awakening that I was hoping
for on this quest for a little something different. To accompany a mornings walk
around the lake.
This blog is also an experiment in getting out of my comfort zone. My more
than the obvious lack of writing abilities and all that goes with it. No point in
belaboring the obvious and yet I feel that it is doing what practice does.
Not only addressing what needs help, whether it is self help at this
point. It manifest it's influence elsewhere, noticeably or not. Not much
different from the act of nourishment that we take from the food that we
put in our body. Trying to make good with what tools and knowledge
that we are possessed with and use.
an experiment? Today's changes to some tuna salad, added pickles and some
peanut butter gave me some of a noticeable tastebud awakening that I was hoping
for on this quest for a little something different. To accompany a mornings walk
around the lake.
This blog is also an experiment in getting out of my comfort zone. My more
than the obvious lack of writing abilities and all that goes with it. No point in
belaboring the obvious and yet I feel that it is doing what practice does.
Not only addressing what needs help, whether it is self help at this
point. It manifest it's influence elsewhere, noticeably or not. Not much
different from the act of nourishment that we take from the food that we
put in our body. Trying to make good with what tools and knowledge
that we are possessed with and use.
Texas Ebony Seedlings Update
This makes four out seven seedlings remaining from the original transplanted
seedlings. I've read that they are very slow growing and any trauma of being
moved and transplanted to a potted culture has it's obvious drawbacks. This
keeps my interest going and hopes that these survive. Once well established
and can determine where they might be placed in this landscape that we
call a yard. To forego another traumatic transplanting. As people and some
plants this can make them stronger or the alternative, do I have to say it?
Florida's Version of Michigan's Version (Caution, Spider Alert!)
This spider may be the closest version of what we called a
Daddy Longlegs spider while in my youth in Michigan.
This creature was digitally collected while visiting yesterday
at friend's home on the northside of town.
I'll never forget when I was showing my very young nephew
a National Geographics magazine. Turning the colorful pages
not knowing what was coming up next. Sharing the wonders
and exotic pictures to a young mind and to my adult mind as
well and what would be next on a double spread of pages?
No sooner than the time it takes for the page
to settle do we have this blood curdling scream coming from a now
terrified child. Thinking to myself, what happen to that person, only
a few seconds ago that was my nephew. I can only imagine the expression
on his face that is now starring at this larger than life spider. Not
remembering but it must be a really hairy, as most people's stereotypical
description and perceptions of spiders. As copious amounts of
adrenaline and their obvious fear that now has taken over and only
fueling their fear even more.
The one of many things we learn as we travel through life.
Before Sunrise
Don't let this sky glow fool you into thinking it is this morning's
sunrise. Not only are we looking towards the North and while imagining
that you might be under the Winter Solstice's spell. We are still at least
an hours away from sunrise. The city's lights cast it's glow to the low cloud
cover to make this sight even all that more enchanting and beautiful.
Another Bromeliad, Another Bloom
Another bloom but not it's first a the season, for this Matchstick Bromeliad.
The fact that it caught my eye, seeing it as if it was it's first bloom.
The fact that it caught my eye, seeing it as if it was it's first bloom.
First (Christmas ) Bloom - Bromeliad
I purchased this about four months ago.
A fondness for Bromeliads is and excuse
we plant collectors give to this, what I
will call an obsession to accumulate things
of beauty.
It's first bloom only adds to it's beauty and
reflects my own perception of beauty.
With little wants and needs to perform this
wonder of nature. Low light, what little water
it may get either from me or the rain that it can
collect in it's cup.
This specimen among others gives back so much
more than what it takes.
I think this is the first time I have had a Bromeliad
bloom during this holiday we call Christmas. On
this day that will be known as the Eve before Christmas Eve.
Monday, December 21, 2015
One More Garden Re-Creation For This Winter Solstice
Refurbishing this garden ring by removing it's last resident, the Ice Cream Bean tree
and making room for four varieties of Amaryllises that I have started from seeds.
I've gotten in the habit of walking through this ring garden so why not take
the hint and continue this habit by creating a path with the remaining
pavers and block that I have on hand. A shift of some of the bromeliads
that have taken up residence and seam to be thriving.
It's to that time where the mosquitoes are coming out which, motivates me to
put down the rest of the bones for this idea for this next generation ring garden.
One more planting of a potted Popcorn Senna plant that has been a semi regular
hear in this garden through out the years.
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Popcorn Senna plant planted at the back and just right of center of this ring garden. |
Tomorrow(with intention of course) will plant the Amaryllis seedling as soon as I figure which ones are which.
Inga edulis - Ice Cream Bean Tree
This garden circle was once the home to an exotic tree called
Inga edulis - Ice Cream Bean tree for nearly twenty years
and I would like to share some pictures, a witness to it's existence from October
of 2000.....turning back the hands of time.
The splash of color at the top right, are some spent Bougainvillea blossom.
We see the tree in it's youth.
This Ice Cream Bean tree gave the Bald Cypress some competition.
Although appearing to be healthy, there were signs of incompatibility
with Florida's growing environment.
This appears to me to be some kind of stem canker that can girdle and kill
the rest of the branch.This started showing up only after a few years
once it was established. Not a good sign and not knowing what causes
this was equally frustrating.
Sharing this photo of our Ice Cream Bean tree is a Blood (leaf) Banana
tree, in the background.
Typical leaf size and what you can't see from this picture is what I call
honey pots at the base of the leaf where it attaches to the stem. You will
find ants at this pot drinking what ever it is that tree is giving. It must be
one of those symbiotic relationships we learned about in high school
The star and tragic point of the telling of this tree's life here in Florida comes down
to these pictures of it's flowers in bud. A sign that it has made it to what it was designed
to do, and that it to reproduce it's self. Against all odds, except for one. Me!
You might ask how was it that I was able to capture these pictures of it's flowers.
There were the only two sets of flowers on the whole tree. The branch these were
on, were reaching way over into the neighbors yard, seeking out the sun's rays, no
doubt. Not seeing these flowers at the time when I decided to cut down this branch
so as not to let it get too much out of control. To my dismay is when I discovered
what I had done. I think I may still have these dried flower buds.
The last struggle of growth occurred sometime early this year. Before I started this
blog, otherwise I think I would have had a picture had I started this documentation
via this blog. I even remember a couple of times thinking that I should try to get a
cutting of this tree and raising it as a potted plant.
In spite of it's unfortunate demise, it has brought me great pleasure and beauty.
One of my life's mantra's which is, seeking beauty in all it's forms.
Inga edulis - Ice Cream Bean tree for nearly twenty years
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Removing the last remains of this tree's stump. |
and I would like to share some pictures, a witness to it's existence from October
of 2000.....turning back the hands of time.
The splash of color at the top right, are some spent Bougainvillea blossom.
We see the tree in it's youth.
This Ice Cream Bean tree gave the Bald Cypress some competition.
Although appearing to be healthy, there were signs of incompatibility
with Florida's growing environment.
This appears to me to be some kind of stem canker that can girdle and kill
the rest of the branch.This started showing up only after a few years
once it was established. Not a good sign and not knowing what causes
this was equally frustrating.
Sharing this photo of our Ice Cream Bean tree is a Blood (leaf) Banana
tree, in the background.
Typical leaf size and what you can't see from this picture is what I call
honey pots at the base of the leaf where it attaches to the stem. You will
find ants at this pot drinking what ever it is that tree is giving. It must be
one of those symbiotic relationships we learned about in high school
The star and tragic point of the telling of this tree's life here in Florida comes down
to these pictures of it's flowers in bud. A sign that it has made it to what it was designed
to do, and that it to reproduce it's self. Against all odds, except for one. Me!
You might ask how was it that I was able to capture these pictures of it's flowers.
There were the only two sets of flowers on the whole tree. The branch these were
on, were reaching way over into the neighbors yard, seeking out the sun's rays, no
doubt. Not seeing these flowers at the time when I decided to cut down this branch
so as not to let it get too much out of control. To my dismay is when I discovered
what I had done. I think I may still have these dried flower buds.
The last struggle of growth occurred sometime early this year. Before I started this
blog, otherwise I think I would have had a picture had I started this documentation
via this blog. I even remember a couple of times thinking that I should try to get a
cutting of this tree and raising it as a potted plant.
In spite of it's unfortunate demise, it has brought me great pleasure and beauty.
One of my life's mantra's which is, seeking beauty in all it's forms.
Winter Garden Pavers, Winter Tasks and A Meditation On Gardening
Keeping with a winter theme here in Florida. Where the garden and
yard chores slow down some in spite of the record rains that we have
received. I use the word chores lightly, after all I am a constant gardener.
Time can be spent on some welcomed changes and or additions to our
landscapes. I moved some old pavers and block to make use of these
momentoes from my grandmother's garden.
More recently I utilized these pavers as a garden element for my Dragon Fruit,
which I had started from seed around this time last year. Well, these dragons
got slayed by some slugs. No pictures forth coming on that slaying, out of
respect for these once mighty dragons.
These repurposed pavers will help me to navigate my going back and forth to
an outlet that I've been using for my Christmas lights. Making this both practical
and appealing gives me many reasons and challenges that makes my time
in the garden all the worth while.
I just found the saw in this Saw Palmetto. I just cut my finger and have to
tend to it.
This potted Horsetail is being salvaged from it's once ideal settings, with it's
feet in a recirculating basin of water. I've witnessed it's life cycle and this is
it's second year growth. One of many reasons for gardening. I feel that it's
water environment was an unwanted attraction of our urban wild life of
opossums and raccoons and this was not my intentions.
I say to many when they either see my yard or I mention how much I enjoy
my time in the garden, how gardening to me is a form of meditation. This is from
one who finds it challenging to staying still while the few times practicing meditation.
A still meditation to which is most associated with the practice. While there is a
form of walking meditation which, may be why I associate this time gardening to a
practice of meditation.
yard chores slow down some in spite of the record rains that we have
received. I use the word chores lightly, after all I am a constant gardener.
Time can be spent on some welcomed changes and or additions to our
landscapes. I moved some old pavers and block to make use of these
momentoes from my grandmother's garden.
More recently I utilized these pavers as a garden element for my Dragon Fruit,
which I had started from seed around this time last year. Well, these dragons
got slayed by some slugs. No pictures forth coming on that slaying, out of
respect for these once mighty dragons.
These repurposed pavers will help me to navigate my going back and forth to
an outlet that I've been using for my Christmas lights. Making this both practical
and appealing gives me many reasons and challenges that makes my time
in the garden all the worth while.
I just found the saw in this Saw Palmetto. I just cut my finger and have to
tend to it.
This potted Horsetail is being salvaged from it's once ideal settings, with it's
feet in a recirculating basin of water. I've witnessed it's life cycle and this is
it's second year growth. One of many reasons for gardening. I feel that it's
water environment was an unwanted attraction of our urban wild life of
opossums and raccoons and this was not my intentions.
I say to many when they either see my yard or I mention how much I enjoy
my time in the garden, how gardening to me is a form of meditation. This is from
one who finds it challenging to staying still while the few times practicing meditation.
A still meditation to which is most associated with the practice. While there is a
form of walking meditation which, may be why I associate this time gardening to a
practice of meditation.
First Bloom - Double Pink Camellia
attributing my early and multiple blooms to our record rain
fall thus far. This Camellia is no exception to an early bloom.
Our record holding El Niño this year should be blessing us
with some more rain than normal this winter. Not that I'm asking
for more, because you know what they say about being careful
for what you ask. Just being grateful.
My Winter Eggplant
I've been wanting to say that ever since our days started getting noticeably shorter.
To be exact, when we went back to Standard Time. Today being the first day of winter
and what better way to celebrate the Winter Solstice than with a staking and
a clipping. The weary looking Eggplant gets a helping hand with some stakes of
bamboo, compliments from a friends yard, who was more than grateful on my
removing them from her sight/site. This bamboo is the running kind that will
take over your yard if not kept in check.
Another reason to rejoice in the Winter Solstice is knowing that the days will be
getting longer.
Our clipping goes to what remains of my Compari Tomato plant.
Sunday afternoon is when I collected a handful of tomatoes. which might
be the next to last of the tomatoes.
To be exact, when we went back to Standard Time. Today being the first day of winter
and what better way to celebrate the Winter Solstice than with a staking and
a clipping. The weary looking Eggplant gets a helping hand with some stakes of
bamboo, compliments from a friends yard, who was more than grateful on my
removing them from her sight/site. This bamboo is the running kind that will
take over your yard if not kept in check.
Another reason to rejoice in the Winter Solstice is knowing that the days will be
getting longer.
Our clipping goes to what remains of my Compari Tomato plant.
Sunday afternoon is when I collected a handful of tomatoes. which might
be the next to last of the tomatoes.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
First Meal Salmon Bowl
Inspired by my last Salmon meal's disappointment. I choose to add avocado to
help with the creaminess that was missing. The tart cherries in water are a first,
which brings me to my naming these First Meal. Using what I believe to be a
Ponderosa Lemon is another first, which came from my neighbors tree.
Ponderosa Lemons are as big as a grapefruit and not as tart as the common lemon.
help with the creaminess that was missing. The tart cherries in water are a first,
which brings me to my naming these First Meal. Using what I believe to be a
Ponderosa Lemon is another first, which came from my neighbors tree.
Ponderosa Lemons are as big as a grapefruit and not as tart as the common lemon.
Three Parks Trail Officially Opens
Saturday, the city has officially opened a connection of sidewalks, trails and bike
paths. Our urban trail that so many cities are creating for it's citizens.
The finalized series of construction projects during the last ten month comes to a
an inaugural Holly Jolly Run. To chilly for me to witness the run but I did walk the
length of this trail later in the morning. I found several red and green ribbons
littered along the way, not doubt left behind by the runners.
It pretty much a safer means for people like me that prefer to bike on a path instead
of the road. Not much to see though, after all it's just a hodge podge of connected
sidewalks, some along speeding traffic. Not to mention a golf course.
The best part, I use that mildly is a park like setting among some finger lakes. This
park is remnants of the phosphate mining and host to the invasive Brazilian Pepper
tree. The city did a pretty good job of making the best of this property.There is that
time of the year where the nesting water fowl take advantage of these features.
This being the most secluded portion of the urban trail requires you to be aware of
your surroundings. Be smart, be careful and be safe.
Since this graphic had been
paths. Our urban trail that so many cities are creating for it's citizens.
The finalized series of construction projects during the last ten month comes to a
an inaugural Holly Jolly Run. To chilly for me to witness the run but I did walk the
length of this trail later in the morning. I found several red and green ribbons
littered along the way, not doubt left behind by the runners.
It pretty much a safer means for people like me that prefer to bike on a path instead
of the road. Not much to see though, after all it's just a hodge podge of connected
sidewalks, some along speeding traffic. Not to mention a golf course.
The best part, I use that mildly is a park like setting among some finger lakes. This
park is remnants of the phosphate mining and host to the invasive Brazilian Pepper
tree. The city did a pretty good job of making the best of this property.There is that
time of the year where the nesting water fowl take advantage of these features.
This being the most secluded portion of the urban trail requires you to be aware of
your surroundings. Be smart, be careful and be safe.
Since this graphic had been
created. there is an additional
jog in the trail that runs along the
northeast corner of the golf
The three parks that are part
of this urban trail do have drinking
fountains and restrooms. Needless
to say, they are park facilities so use
them in a pinch.
This walk took me about and hour and twenty minutes. I took a side track
where the boardwalks are located overlooking the finger lakes.
Here are some photos of this trail.
A portion of this boardwalk caught on fire several years back, accidental or
arson was not determined.
No point in posting street and sidewalk scenes typical of our urban trail.
A portion of this boardwalk caught on fire several years back, accidental or
arson was not determined.
No point in posting street and sidewalk scenes typical of our urban trail.
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Christmas Yoga, Christmas Luncheon
An evening's yoga practice at a home studio with a long time yoga
practitioner. Who's practice has gone from fire to a warm glow.
My focus was on her voice and the beautiful space that her and her
husband have created. Her husband literally built this studio, a labor
of love along with a lot of creative spirit.
It always amazes me how much our city has grown over the years
in respect the practice and the many practitioners too many to mention.
That was Wednesday. Thursday, this special yoga instructor gave a really
great class who has been keeping this space, at a church, in yoga for over ten
years. I have been with her for nearly five years. I was fortunate to be able to
attend this last practice of the year this past Thursday.
We finished the practice with an Ohm that filled our hearts and for those that
needing to be filled.
What a wonderful way to celebrate this practice we call yoga. Westernize as
may be but, the moments like this that present themselves in ways that we
need them the most are indescribable.
Friday's Christmas luncheon was with some talented, supportive friends and
big fans of each others creativity that have and will always be a big source of
I know, what better company to share a meal during these hectic times and during
this holiday season. Relatively cool temperatures in spite of a little rain and an
interlude of sunshine was dessert.
In keeping with the season an exchange of thoughtful gifts and goodies to cap off
this wonderful week of many joys that filled the spirit.
They Are Everywhere You Are Not, Compost Continues
Now that I am actively composting again I need to show our visitors that
they need to take up residence else where.
Starting with adding their current abode to the mix.
This is a good time to add any of this years fertilizer that you didn't use to this
mix also. Slowly adding some greens to help balance with the browns. Has more
to do with the balance of alkali and the acidic and that is about as scientific that
this will get.
I also stirred up everything and when I do I get that waft of earthy goodness
that motivates me continue with this process.
I would have added some rain water that I have been collecting, but there is
not enough to share with this process. My tomatoes and eggplant have the dibs
on the collected water for this late fall vegetable collection.
they need to take up residence else where.
Starting with adding their current abode to the mix.
This is a good time to add any of this years fertilizer that you didn't use to this
mix also. Slowly adding some greens to help balance with the browns. Has more
to do with the balance of alkali and the acidic and that is about as scientific that
this will get.
I also stirred up everything and when I do I get that waft of earthy goodness
that motivates me continue with this process.
I would have added some rain water that I have been collecting, but there is
not enough to share with this process. My tomatoes and eggplant have the dibs
on the collected water for this late fall vegetable collection.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
We've Seen Those Colorized Old Time Postcards
Friday's walk revealed this lack luster landscape. No dramatic cloud formations
to liven up the sky, to my liking. Nary any color to speak of, only some great balmy
temperatures. I was just mentioning this to my neighbor on my return home that this
weather is bragging weather to our family and friends up north.
To salvage a picture of one of my favorite weeping bottle brush trees outside the
vicinity of my yard. I would speculate that this tree would have been planted
many years ago when weeping bottle brush trees were the landscape plant choice.
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Not as stately, just a bit put out or perhaps just lazy. |
at the edge of the lake along side a dock.
Unlike this one where I doubt it was planted in the lake where it stands now, but perhaps
once planted at the lakeside and has now found itself unto an island of it's own.
The city and landscapers have been planting miniature bottle brush trees this year.
Although the non weeping variety from what I can tell. They have become once again
a common sight.
So to add some color saturation where little color can be found. Color hue manipulation
although unnatural, but then a lot of those old colorized postcards and pictures of the
day took on that look, well, colorized.
Friday, December 11, 2015
Polypodium Scolopendria - Wart Fern
The Green House owner gave me a cutting
of this fern this afternoon. I might as well let
it join my one other house plant companion, in
the shower to make sure it gets some moisture
and some needed attention. Although most plants
get killed by the best intentions.
Started watching Season Two of Cinemax's The Knick
Staghorn Fern Mounted To Palm Sheath And Bamboo

It's not often that I bring plants indoors but if only for the reason to keep an eye on this
gifted plant from a yogi and until it gets more established.
Palm parts around here are ubiquitous as is the bamboo. The added beads for good
measure and a reminder of a craft gifted to me by a dear friend. Something a maker
of things can appreciate and be thankful for.
This marriage of plant and material is just another reminder of our temporary life, in
this life and journey with all it's beauty.
Getting The Christmas Spirit And Scratching That Itch
At home last night putting out some lights.
I have a potted weeping bottle brush tree impersonating
a palm tree with a side of chilies, for this year's design.
I always liked the glow of the Christmas lights at night accompanied
with our cool sixty degree Florida chill temperatures and some Christmas
tune stuck in your ear for inspiration.
Making due with a year or two old string of lights but have to make
up a new display every year. Nothing grand mind you, just something
new and different. Bringing this challenge to the season is just another
facet and reason in keeping the spirit of Christmas.
While at a friends house being an elf in setting up a friend's Christmas tree.
This tree is one of those Charlie Brown Christmas trees on steroids.
Nothing a few extra sets of lights and lots of ornaments can't help mend.
Not to mention a few bricks at the base to stabilize and the magic of
cloaking device (bed sheet) to cast it's spell.
The only thing missing is the early darkness that our short winter days
bring to complete it's magic spell. Transferring this man made creation,
in every sense of the word into a beautiful token of how much love and
memories that this practiced custom of Christmas brings.
As for things a bit more practical and scratching that gardener's itch. I collected
a huge pile of downed branches, to be placed at the curb. You know when you
reached that scratch when your dear friend has to scold you for working to hard.
Also four boxes of unwanted stored items in boxes cleared out of garage. Along
with one pair of trip hazard slippers, persuaded and re-languished to the garbage.
All with just enough time to get out to attend my evening Yoga class that evening.
Needless to say that I was plenty warmed up and stretched by the time class
commenced and at the end of class the mind was quiet. Just another reason to
scratch that itch.
I have a potted weeping bottle brush tree impersonating
a palm tree with a side of chilies, for this year's design.
I always liked the glow of the Christmas lights at night accompanied
with our cool sixty degree Florida chill temperatures and some Christmas
tune stuck in your ear for inspiration.
Making due with a year or two old string of lights but have to make
up a new display every year. Nothing grand mind you, just something
new and different. Bringing this challenge to the season is just another
facet and reason in keeping the spirit of Christmas.
While at a friends house being an elf in setting up a friend's Christmas tree.
This tree is one of those Charlie Brown Christmas trees on steroids.
Nothing a few extra sets of lights and lots of ornaments can't help mend.
Not to mention a few bricks at the base to stabilize and the magic of
cloaking device (bed sheet) to cast it's spell.
The only thing missing is the early darkness that our short winter days
bring to complete it's magic spell. Transferring this man made creation,
in every sense of the word into a beautiful token of how much love and
memories that this practiced custom of Christmas brings.
As for things a bit more practical and scratching that gardener's itch. I collected
a huge pile of downed branches, to be placed at the curb. You know when you
reached that scratch when your dear friend has to scold you for working to hard.
Also four boxes of unwanted stored items in boxes cleared out of garage. Along
with one pair of trip hazard slippers, persuaded and re-languished to the garbage.
All with just enough time to get out to attend my evening Yoga class that evening.
Needless to say that I was plenty warmed up and stretched by the time class
commenced and at the end of class the mind was quiet. Just another reason to
scratch that itch.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
The Creative Mind
A walk around the lake
While witnessing a great and intense movie,
that is the only way this film can be experienced.
Searching the net for some Yoga inspiration.
One day!
Makes for a Pumpkin Tree TV chanting dream that
I was bicycling in the middle of a five lane
highway at night amongst one other
bicyclist and all the rest were cars.
Waking up to the idea of some Salmon
defrosting in the refrigerator, which we
know how that turned out.
After all the fish did have a tough
act to follow.
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