Thursday, May 21, 2020

Two Plant Wonders In One Day

These garden findings to this magnitude in one day let alone in a season.

First, a first for this Pine Tillandsia to launch it's first ever florescence.

If you know where to look, then you know what caught my eye today.
Perhaps it was envious in it's attached orchid that is in the process
of putting a spectacular display of first blooms since six years.

Drum roll.....

I've had this new orchid not even a year and it's it's been on a constant
slow spiral down hill. Dropping it's primary leaves until there are two.
That is, now there are three new primary leaves emerging. What gives?

Sometimes there isn't one thing that I can single out that could have
brought on this new growth, knowing that I though everything
at it. I've thought of tossing it out to, after all not everything as to go
to plan, note previous entry.

The last two things that come to mind was an orientation to some morning
light and an introduction of a new fertilizer not even a month ago.

Time will tell. Being a patient gardener has it's merits and frustration.

Did I say two, there are three. Just that there will not be a photo-op
for this third wonder. I have an orchid that I purchased along with said one,
shown above. It did gang busters, already blooming and then then blooming
this Spring and just when I thought it had finished blooming I spied not
one or two, but three new flower bud clusters.

This cancels out my finding two tomato seedlings cut to the ground by
what I attribute to some sort of wilt. I did rescue both and have them
in water. One of the wilts almost looked too decimated, but hey one
of my favorite sayings is. They want to live just like any other living
thing and can some through some rather unsurmountable circumstances.
Man made or not.

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