Saturday, May 23, 2020

Eighty-Five Gallons

approximately, of rain water gathered the other late afternoon was an event.

That's right, bailing an un-numerable amounts of water from two downspouts
to buckets then to barrels is in many ways, fun, exercise, disciplined play and

Time frame? No idea. The last pour was hours later, that much I know. My
carport's collection not only takes time to produce but also time to slow to
it's last drop. Pouring that last collection to top off my second barrel was
like putting your last apple into your meal two to three days before next
grocery visit. Knowing that that single fresh ingredient had the ability
to enhance your meal and that that lone apple had it been eaten on it's
own would not been appreciated.

Months and certainly seasons later when I dip in to these collections of
rain water. If not only myself, perhaps a thirsty plant will have benefitted
from my enthusiastic and sheer enjoyment and some say labor, for the
sake of gardening.

As I would confess to a life's hobby of sustaining life not just my own.
Just like my father, mother, sister and brothers, grand parents and their...
Well, you know, have done for many reasons of their own.

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