Friday, May 8, 2020

Three More Potted Plants...Strike That...Six

find their spot in this urban garden.

Take this Tiger Lily that's been waiting to get out of it's pot bound home for
four years now. Time will tell how well it will finds it's new settings.
From here it looks like it's been there for some time now.

For their is nothing permanent  evening in gardening where it's just a matter of it being moved
to another possibly more suitable location.

Another intriguing angle.

Oops, did I say three? I will have to change that title.

Here's actually four in this picture. A reddish Black Ti with a couple of varied
shaped Philodendrons, that counts as one , knowing they spent their props infancy
together as a collective culture. The middle is a recent  purchase in February from
our big box home improvement stores. Hey, would like to pronounce is as a garden
improvement store. A white Lilly of the Nile and it's shadow what was left of a nearly
spent deep blue Lobelia. Just east of that is another prop that graduated to a spot in the
the garden. A ruffled leaf begonia that throws up some delicate foot long spikes of tiny
white flowers.

Last count, that brings us to five plants to ground for show-n-tell.

Except there was another one that put to ground. So that makes six for this week.

The grand-dad of them all.

 That thick old branch is quite old relatively speaking. It's quite woblly
actually and was lucky it didn't colapse on me while transfering from the
pot to ground. There was a real healthy new root coming out of the base
of that old branch, plants just want to live.

This old Orangewood  used to be part of a hedge in our local botanical garden
before it was replaced with another hedge. I don't how it came into the hands of a local
nursery man, but it was love at first sight when I spotted it. That was five years
ago. It has long since sprouted new branches that pale in comparison to the original
gnarly portion. A long with some new seedlings that sprouted from seeded volunteers.

So to, it gets it's place in this constant gardener's urban dream garden.

 Last count, six plantings. That makes this year a banner year for in ground plantings.

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