Saturday, May 2, 2020

Picture This

because I don't have a picture of this event.

First of all, put out of your mind what you think you know. There will always
be new discoveries in your every day life.

Something as small as a June bug, even in the month of May. Chilling under
my back door's porch light, at night and who's hour will remain a non issue.
Perhaps, looking for it's next meal or just being cautious that it won't be
someone's next meal for one said big juicy house gecko that is standing
by mind you, upside down. Not knowing if geckos goes for extra crispy
shelled beetles., which was the furthest thought on my mind.The moment
I flick my finger against the screening on my backdoor where
the unsuspecting beetle unprepared for this sudden force an falls to the porch
concrete landing unlike a cat on all fours it lands on it's hard shelled back.
I've witnessed many a June bug spend a lot energy righting themselves more
often than they would prefer not to mention the vulnerability. Well guess what,
extra crispy beetles make for extra crispy noises.

So what other possible creature of the night might get in onto the scene?
How about something with big ears, better to hearing extra crispy June bugs
righting themselves and at what frequency would this be at? An all to familiar
sound to a nocturnal mouse with big eyes, better see you, my next meal ticket.
As this mouse scampers up onto it's prey and it picks up this extra crispy noisy
morsel and puts it in it's mouth and dash's back down into it's familiar darkness.

All the while witnessing this bit of urban wild life transact before my eye and
thinking that mice must have some protein and it's not from cheese, as seen many
a time in cartoons and story telling from childhood days in school.

Who knew. This is one lucky mouse, knowing we have an outdoor cat next
door and several owls in the neighborhood, but not as lucky as me to have
been a witness to this non pictured event.

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