Friday, May 29, 2020

Juniper Props Update

Since April 8th when these cuttings were taken about a quarter of them
have turned brown. A high failure rate of taking root is not unusual.
I just hope that these first time props will have better odds than say,
the lottery.

Riding on the coattails of a previous props session that accomplished to produce
one successful cutting out of three dozen was enough encouragement to
press on with just as if not more props challenge.

Still looking promising. I keep this covered with a clear plastic single use clam shell
that salad greens are bought in, that get a second use now as a tool in this game of

As games goes, you loose some as well as win some. It's easy to draw an analogy
for gardening to life in general and to a life of constant gardening.

It just dawned on me another of many influential and inspiring people, one being a much
well loved relative whom also was, may I say it, a constant gardener.

Thank you for spreading the joys of gardening and a life time hobby and most important

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