Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Once A Jack Fruit Tree

now a Robert Fruit Tree. Jack Fruit tree standing at attention and
ready for deployment. Sir.

At ease.

 Got this tree in the ground after a couple of days of some good rain.

In the background in the picture below you can see some golden light from the
evening's late hour. I just came off from a bike ride and the clouds were putting
on quite the show. This display of ginormous clouds that towered and with
an expanse from east to west. I can imagine if you were able to reside on the
planet Jupiter that our cloud display would be just as spectacular. The bike ride
was almost otherworldly.

Now that I'm  energized I thought it would be a good time to dedicate this tree planting.
The one with the broad green leaves standing there with out a care, in case you ask.

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