Saturday, September 12, 2015

Last Night's Read and See

Friday evening bike ride with a twist. There was a credit union sponsored foot race
around the lake. Therefor I had to use the bike lane in the road, which is not my
favorite means to traverse the lake. Not only was it monotonous and rarely puctuaded
with having to dodge and pass pedestrians but the ever present motor vehicles.
When there is a potential conflict with those mechanical behemoths,there is never a
win win. 

Wrapped up this latest read from the library.
I also wanted to document my finger
that got jammed in my car door three weeks
ago. First time as an adult that I had
happened upon the events of nipping
the door on this first digit.                  

  Watched a crazy, yet engaging movie that caught my interest. One of four false starts, actually.
Like a book if a movie doesn't grab me initially it's a rare occasion to continue. When there are
so many other movies available.

I will have to check out the director's
other movies to see if this was just not
a fluke or mood influence.

I'm not one for watching movies that I have
seen already knowing that there are so many
movies out there to be seen. New movies, but
so many that I have not seen.

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