Monday, September 21, 2015

Lakeland Downtown Farmers Curb Market

This is my second visit in as many weeks since the market's brief summer hiatus, August closing.

I hit up my two most frequented stops on my hunt for my most recent obsession, Japaneses Eggplant.

Aqua Organics is my latest quest for the Japaneses Eggplant and some Brussel Sprouts.

Eggplant prepared in my trusty stainless steel skillet with drizzled olive oil pasta sauce.

Same skillet same process and add some Smart Balance and you have a tasty meal.

 I have a request for some Eggplant plants from this vendor, Bilbrey Farm. Logo is not
original, but hey, I did recognize the gentleman to whom I requested my starter plants.
 As stated in their bio they are local,  six acres located in Auburndale, Florida.

Last but not least as they say, there is Eco Farms out of Plant City, Florida.

 A source of many new offerings over the years and up through July, my source
for the Japanese Eggplant. Most recent, the flowering Blue Pea plant.

One of several edible flowers.
This has that typical pea taste,
no surprises there.

 Finally, I was able to finish PBS's Walt Disney Bio on American Experience. I had
to wait a week to finish the other half of the presentation. Was never a fan of Disney
but much respect is due.

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