Saturday, July 18, 2015

Time to put them Texas boys outdoors

  It has been just over a week since these
Texas Ebony seedlings have been harvested
from their
point of origin. Three so far have survived
two transplants due to a upgrade in preferred
soil mix. All have been bombarded with
artificial full spectrum lighting with varied extended lighting schedules. The leaves still
closeup at around 7pm in spite of the generous
illumination and that means that they can stay
up past their bedtime and don't have to come in when the street lights come on.
 All have some leaf loss, some more than others and one not at all. The one in the skinny white pot is the winner for the least traumatized  from this whole experience.

Again, all show signs of new growth so that is my reasoning for putting them out doors
in a somewhat protected shade. Somewhat because it is overcast and sprinkling rain
with a chance of meatballs mixed with bouts of sunshine and haven't monitored this
exact spot for full sun exposure.

Hey, these guys are Texans, what more can I say. They are tuff and off to a great start
to this Rodeo called life.

Just averted some Malware that installed on my alleged Firefox Browser update...
Web Bar!? Couldn't find them in recent software programs installed. Ended up using
a Malware extract and isolate free download which did the trick for the moment.
Probably will should do a System Restore (days or weeks) back to happier times.

For the past two months now the city is installing a Round A Bout near the intersection
at the end of my street. It is getting closer to completion date and look forward to
the chaos potential that this will have on the locals and non locals. 

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