Friday, December 7, 2018

Under The Cacao Tree Canopy

Just close your eyes and imagine the sounds that would accompany this equatorial specimen
in it's natural habitat.

They say plants are like people and like similar living conditions, as in temperatures and humidity.
This heated room and with extended light hours will be the closest it ever gets to desirable
indoors conditions. A sign of good health for this specimen is continued growth while it stays
indoors during our cooler months here in Florida. 

Good thing this specimen has low light requirements. Humidity is another thing,
I can spritz it with some rainwater that I keep stored. Along with some minor nutrients
that I will start it on, using my new orchid fertilizer.

Always changing it up and careful not to water it too much. The dry conditions in a house is
bad enough but to add dry heat, can make it more be challenging.

This brings me to my next post and announcement.

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