Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Canavalia gladiata - Sword Bean

From this angle it looks like a large wingless and legless grasshopper.

Just acquired this from a friends neighbor. She was generous
and willing to let me have one. As soon as I spied this from across
the fence it took me seconds for my mind to wrap around what I
was not sure what I was seeing. The vine that this grows from looks
like most typical bean plants but it's profile, which caught my eye spiked
my curiosity and need to posses. Once I show this off to budding Master
Gardner of mine I'll be looking forward to opening it up to reveal the seeds.
I'm also hoping to add these beans to my 'Health' wreath that I've been
sceamming and designing anad currently drying out and I hope these
beans will make an interesting addition.

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