Friday, December 7, 2018

Eriobotrya japonica - Loquat or Japanese Plum Tree

Not only had started this tree from seed from fruit given to my by a friend.
It's growing out of bounds and felt that I had to cut it back heavily.
Cutting back heavily has consequences. While I don't mind sharing these
fruits with our urban animals, not that I have much choice. I was hoping
that cutting it back towards the ground will bring the fruit more accessible
to me. Mean time three years later I finally get some blooms.

I nice memory of this tree goes back years when I had enlisted in the service
and stationed in Texas. The military base also had these trees blooming
this time of year. Not knowing this sweet dense fragrant tree would also produce
a great tasting fruit. Mind you thou, this fruit must be fully ripen or otherwise
you will get a sour surprise. A sourness that puts Gummy sours to shame.

 So once again getting surprised by a long time in coming bloom, to not only
catch my eye but whose fragrance that would fill other senses, brought a smile to
my face. After all to me that's just one of many joys of gardening and discovering
what's new in what you would think to be a familiar landscape.

Welcome Back

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