Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Canavalia gladiata - Sword Bean - Growing!

 An emerging pair, the tiny one is suspect and too familiar looking, as in Virginia creeper.
Must quickly dispense with it before it rubs the favored one of any vital nutrients and or

We have lift off, as it's trunk lifts it's weighted seed head to the heat and light. With round
the clock electric lighting gives this seedling the needed thrust to get it into it's upright

It looks light we will get back to our normal temperatures and will get to give this seedling
some exposure to some fresh air and real Florida sunshine.

Back from it's field trip and looking a tad more greener and putting on some primary leaves.

Now I need to find a place in the yard to let it do it's thing and all the while keeping and eye
out for the Winter temperatures.

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