Saturday, December 22, 2018

Shaving Brush Tree - Pseudobombax ellipticum

 Lost the majority of these bromeliads to this year's flooding from
our record rain fall. Still have a few more to replant at the base of this
newly planted tree. Having had just cleared all the dead and near dying
bromeliads and salvaging their new sprouts and sinking this once potted
Shaving Brush tree it starts to rain. Thinking to myself, great timing, not
knowing that five inches of rain will befall this beleaguered part of the

Only after doing more research on this tree makes me want to put it back in
a pot in order to show off it's distinctive gnarly wide base, characteristic of this
specimen.Will have to capture a pic to show it's best attribute.

Sure the blooms are striking, but hey, it's even better when you have an other
worldly feature that catches the eye.

Now lets see if these bromeliads can't get another chance to thrive.

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