Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Time To Try My

 hand at sprouting some Birdsnest Anthurium seeds.

     Gathered some fruiting bodies from the parent plant, actually gather all that were

available just so they won't go rough.



  No these are not the next generation of super fruits that get touted every few years. Yes they

are from the tropics and to me quite exotic.

    Most but not all fruits bared two seeds. These seeds look to me like immature pine nuts

and it will have to be some other unsuspecting risk adverse human to tell us if not only if 

these are edible but also survived to us about it.

   Using my always available and favorite Talenti container and adding some sand at the

bottom along with a new soil mix and some spritzes of water with  plant food.

Cover the seeds with some soil and clear wrap and label and date this adventure and 

place in a known and a successful sprouting zone, with no guarantees. Where's the fun in that.

 To the left is my first tomato of the season, third generation fruit from a favorite plant that

as done well in our unforgiving Florida sun and it tastes great to.

  Under the dome of another Talenti container is a recovering mini miseltoe cactus that is

still quite fragile. 

  The peacock of a plant, spiral ginger had some scorched leaves and who wants so see that

in their garden so it got picked otherwise it would have remained outside where most plants

belong, in my opinion.

   Now just wait as a would a child with unlimited curiosity and amazement to see if these 

seeds will do what most seeds do and bring forth a new life.

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