Thursday, May 4, 2023

Genuine Hawaiian

 pineapple plants people. Just scored these plants from my long time neighbor, to the back

of my yard.  These plants came all the way from Hawaii via his his granddaughter.



             Giving these beauties the full welcoming 'tall urn treatment', more on this later.  

There will be plenty misting with my favorite orchid fertilizer with lots of trace micronutrients 

too.  My apologies ahead of time if there isn't enough full sun and it will be a wait and see, but I'm 

these will do their best with what's given.

    With a pineapple in development already, this fruiting body it the part that most gardeners

wait with anticipation and a lot times never happen.

    My neighbor relayed to me that the something gets it's first bite or two or four out of these 

pineapples before we humans do, another reason for the urn.  Hopefully this urn will discourage 

the free sampling. Florida is not without it's well known and seen pests and I will no doubt add 

another one possibly sooner than later.

    In the interim, I'm opting out by not adding soil to this urn and I know what it will be because

there's a pile of it, just collected sometime back and waiting for it's purpose. I will only comment 

if it goes well.  It's something other than soil and it will help to stabilize these plants in this urn 

and help keep them from getting tossed around by our phantom Spring gusts. You know the ole

in like a lion and out like a lamb first grade Spring analogy became a well spent learning 

lesson that still resonates with me.




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