Sunday, May 14, 2023

Just Before The Last Darkness

 a clear indication of the wonder that is about to unfold....

    Not unlike a Baleen Whale about to breach the ocean waves. We have our own expectations whether

a gardener or not, no matter the age. This sense of anticipation still colors what's to come.

Now while in the darkness I turn my head to seek out where this bloom would be and greeted with

a faint ghost like appearance that needs some illumination. 


    A diminutive profile in comparison to one of my many blossoms from it's cousin Dragon

cousin.  While too early for some fragrance while it's pollen gets ready and it's pistol is neither

ready to receive said pollen and whether it will be able to process it's own pollen as a self pollinator

will be days off.

   Several hours and photo shoots later, a fragrance that can be sampled by this gardener is not as spicy

as the the Dragon's but more smooth, if you will. I will make an attempt to be that pollinator  

impersonating said pollinator with an artist's paintbrush.


   The pollen won't be be as plentiful nor as swollen as the next batch, but hey, this pollinator is only

using it's own nonpollinating instincts. 

   This perhaps the the third if not the fourth attempt to create what nature does naturally. 

    Fragrance is diminishing or perhaps the our breezes are doing their best to spread the news.

    Some different perspectives, to give you an other insect's view, or even maybe a bat's, if they

only were out this late.



 Shortly after first lightness this Ceres looks like it's bit weary from it's evolutionary process

that we humans may take for granted or don't even give notice.  Having been prodded and flashed

at with daylight producing burst of light or just, well finished with just another day in the life of a

Ceres cacti.

   We know about the darkness's makeup of subtle lighting and now into the morning's harsh

reality that judges every flaw and the reality of it all and yet still an aged beauty at most.

   Lets close shop, sort of speak and now just wait to see what next may appear.



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