Monday, May 15, 2023

Last Amaryllias' Standing

 this one, a representative of the ones growing in and around a circle in the backyard.


  Don't be fooled by the bud showing to the left that became victim and a meal or two by some

unknown lone or gang of large slug or slugs. Fortunately for the rest there haven't been many 

sightings,or aftermath sightings of slug carnage.

    The front runners for said designation belong to two, One being a double header like the one above

and the other with the more typical quad header with one of them already spent.

                                       Shine on oh beautiful one, shine on.


    This one already looks like it' wearing a crown of some origin and Bravo to you both

and won't require a photo finish and will get an extra drink of citified water for your efforts with 

hopes this extra sip won't attract the slugs.  Such is life in this Florida garden.

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