Monday, May 8, 2023

Another First

 for this gardener. The first cutting of a dragon fruit took several seasons to bare a flower. When

this second generation next generation cutting bares one in it's second season. This could also

be possible due to the fact this one is growing from a potted medium instead of free balling

it attached to a tree.


    First time this flower bud is presenting itself. I wonder if it's in competition with it's cousin 

, my once was tall Ceres cactus that it to is pushing out it's first bloom.


    Two days later and in this stage there is always the possibility of it being aborted due to a

mechanism that has evolved over a millennia of time.

    This dragon is sharing it's roots with a Brown Turkey fig tree that I planted in my grandmother's

garden years ago only to find out they prefer a lime mix and so a potted environment allows me

to provide a more controlled base medium. This location for this fig gives me a better chance of

getting to sample some of it's fruit before the other urban creatures get their share

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