Sunday, March 8, 2020

Two New Garden Discoveries In One Week!

First this dwarf Liriopoe makes a mad dash away from the crowded patch not far
from where it finds a viable placed to setup it's life.

Kudos and just thinking the energy and determination to seek out for a new opportunity
to self preserve.

Another natural plant survival opportunity to replicate it's self and demonstrated by
this Silver Bromiliad that I spotted while grooming it this afternoon. Two pups, as
they in the trade.

You got to look really close at the base of this bromiliad to witness this every day
miracle of reproduction.

Don't let this tiny size fool you. This variety should grow to near monster size.
Not giant, but incredibly large, with time. So seeing the two pups on this specimen
really surprised me. It also could be too much stress in this new location with too
much sun.

This bromiliad was once a prop pup to and now look it. One of few specimens that
get that extra attention and TLC.

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