Saturday, March 21, 2020

Spring Has Sprung In The Time Of Corona and What Beauty!

What could be the most polar opposite than these times we find our selves in?

One of life's many quests, certainly one of most alluring, which is beauty.

That moment that slows time, your vision is transfixed that cements this
moment into a dreamy snapshot into that almost unattainable realm.

Need I say it again? I won't have to, just look at what comes next.

Right Profile

First bloom from a cane cutting just over three months ago. This long stemmed
begonia reveals one of everal functions for survival, a flower. Certainly not it's most
reliable means, other than appealing and attracting other creatures other than our selves.
As to developing viable seeds remains to be seen. Not that I had bothered to look. What
is the beauty in that. However, one of these days I just might find out for my self and
reveal it's germinating beauty.

Left Profile
If I had a Aerial Profile

@Forty-five degrees

If I was a lizard view

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