Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Focus On Somethig Else...

hmmmmmmm...I don't think I could ever run out of gardening tasks.

This once was a sheet moss ball with a Coconut orchid. Sheet moss
turned into a high maintenance item that gets no sympathy nor the
energy to keep it in existence.

This is also in it's second iteration, sphagnum moss replaced the sheet moss,
with added large charcoal chunks.

I will open this nugget to see how viable this plastic netting lump of bio mass
to see what I can do to give this hanger on new life.

A couple of fleshy viable roots, showing promise. Change up the color of netting
for a binder, royal purple for our times in coronas. Reuse the charcoal for mass and
I hope aid in moisture retention. Add some Spanish moss, keeping the original theme,
albeit more for esthetics. Reuse the para cord and artificial twine to bind and hang.
Attached Talenti lid to the base to assist in capturing needed moisture.

I know just where to hang this living mass of wonder. Amongst my new change of
scenery, that's where.

One more added interest to gaze upon until the novelty wares off. While there
is still the possibility to witness nature take a liking to it. For example, our lizards
always manage to find the newness in it's environment and try to maximize it's

Hey, if I was a lizard, I would think this was a pretty chill spot to hang out
and play it's card right and get a sip of aqua. Don't know how well a lizard's
sense of smell is, but they would be in for a real treat once this orchid comes
into bloom.

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