Saturday, November 7, 2015

Tour In The Circle B Bar Tram

To the trained eye there would have been a bounty of wildlife to see.

To me I relied on our guide and the other four newbies like me to
spy the wildlife and anything that might stir.

Perched Bald Eagle, probably watching us watching it. Great Blue
Herons always with the majestic landing and take offs that can be
breath taking. Cattle Egrets in their snowy white plumage  that could
of gone extinct from being hunted for their prized feathers. The abundant
wild flowers, both native and invasive. Who says that nature is always

Two waiting water birds. Waiting
for what you may ask? For their
little slice of nature to return to
some sense of familiarity without the
man made perches that they have
come accustom and more than willing
to adopt as you can see.

There will be no erasing man's presense
on this wild life refuge. From once a natural
habitat, however far back in time, one would
have to have gone.Then to a cattleman's ranch,
hence, the Circle B Bar moniker. Thanks to that
cattleman generosity and to my knowledge the hoops
he had to go through to bring us this jewel of
a reserve in close proximity. Will be the closest we
and a many of our next generation will get to
see some native and and migrating wild

This will have to do in this day in the name of development vs. conservation.

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