Saturday, January 16, 2016

When's The Last Time You Seen The Likes of This Lichen, Drumbega Flower and African Violet Cutting

Was on the north side of town at a friends house and cleared some
fallen branches from her yard and look what I found. The last time
I've seen these color combinations was from a salt water tank that
needed a serious cleaning of it's algae.

As 'tis at sea, as 'tis on land.

It never hurts to explore in spite of the weather. In this case it was blustery and had rained
earlier. The weather did not bother the bees. Each one of these flowers from this Drumbega
had it's own dedicated  bee.

As beautiful as this flower may appear, unfortunately it's fragrance does nothing
to enhance it's beauty. It must be a fragrance that only bees love.

African violet cutting's sprout ready to take on a life of it's own. Even if it is
in a K-cup.

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