Thursday, January 21, 2016

Attention To Some Wintering Orchids

The Now, is always the best time to do something. It may not be the most
beneficial time for, in this case, the orchid, but under the circumstances,
I think it was a win win. I trimmed up and replenished them with some fresh
orchid medium. Doused them in some chilly rain water, which must
of been a shock, but hey, other than that, I don't think they would

Discovered an orchid in bud, so out it comes from it's orchid sanctuary for display
amongst some mistletoe cactus. Also to my amazement, a surviving Easter cactus
cutting that was taken during late summer. Along with a pot of Aloe doing nicely
in this shady spot.

A wonderful discovery this evening that a fourth season to PBS's Mr Selfridge begins
this month.

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