Monday, July 18, 2022

Weeks Ago Garden Surgerys


This was severed from the parent plant and note the linear structure and you will get the idea why

this surgery was given the green light by me and if this plant could talk.

Perhaps this plant was thinking, I don't know what got into me, that strait shock of stems

just came out of no where.

Probably you just had some ancestral mutation that needed to manifest it's beauty, well, beauty

to some. I'm not a plant geneticist, but I might have played one on TV...

I take that severed limb, now that it has healed and scabbed and put it in a pot and watch it express

it's brilliance.

Surgery Two...what can I say, it was a busy day.

 This Dragon Fruit tyke that was started from a grocery store pinked fleshed, seeds, was an

involunteer to donating some of it's limbs for propagation.

     One them landed here in my orchid supporting tree. Although this cutting is a not an orchid,

I think it will be welcomed, if not by others, at least by me.

 Note the root already starting at the tip of this newly release and ready to start a new and

take hold of it's new surroundings with a little help with a frightfully bright and not a very 

good camouflaged tie.

   While some other cuttings went to a plant enthusiast with hopes of spreading the wealth of 

plant material and the joys of gardening.


Surgery Three... Cosmetic surgery was required for this Euphorbic grotesque type cactus.

See that little guy off to the top right corner of this pic that looks just like this one in the foreground?

Yeah....this one. The one that was excised from the parent plant so this one could live on

in all it's infinite beauty, but the surgery has left a sizeable scar on the parent plant, that no 
longer exits due to some cuts here and there that leave only a small scar now. 
Dressed with some soil from it's own pot that has many many millions if not billions of 
beneficial bacteria that heals and mends.  See top pic for the results. 
What's one gratuitous yard cat picture to get the point across of propagation...hehe.

 I have yet to know if one can propagate cats this way...but hey, maybe time will tell...hehe.




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