Monday, July 4, 2022


 What's in a name like monstera. This term is used quite a bit when giving a plant

it's newly assigned botanical name. Most times it's a reference to certain obvious 

characteristic features, fitting for this family of plants, in this case, a bromeliad.

   This bromeliad is given this descriptor for many obvious reasons.


Here are some photos of it's late stage if life of throwing up a fluorescence. Some would

say, huh? You mean flower? Yes, but in this family of plants they are known as fluorescence.


So here you are, a bromeliad with it's characteristic monstrous base, fluorescence height,

but but but, not the actual fluorescence it's self.

   Exhibit A - Monstrous Base

        No banana for scale...oops!

        Note the length of the fluorescence at about half it's soon to be it's note worthy 

monstrous length.     Looking down, with it's base, but a blur...hehe.


Exhibit B - Monstrous Fluorescence


Taller than me and I'm six foot tall, well used to be, time and gravity had it's way.


And then there is this...

the actual fluorescence, the none monstera part of this other wise beauty.

   Hey, being a sculptor, ya ya, a shameless plug, having one, let a lone two really viewable 

aspects is a win win.  So there you have it.

                                                                                       A  Monstera beauty.

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