Monday, July 18, 2022

Rescue Or Folly

Yesterday as I pondered what do with this slowly diminishing, languishing, red leaf azalea plant.

         While today's rain that gave a break in heat gave me a pause and the idea to make a rescue,

which brings us to this point.

 Nothing much more traumatizing to a plant than to essentially be ripped from it's foundation and

then to be transplanted it to another foundation, we call a potted foundation. On top of that, this

 specimen is not in the best of health either, but hey. 

      It's not like the plant can just walk to another spot, at least not yet. Perhaps in another million

or two years they will have evolved to this ability, but for now it will have to rely on this human to

do it's thing.

       Rest and recovery along with some got it.....time.  

                                                                  Rescue crater for reference.

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