Thursday, July 28, 2022

Rescue or Folly

 These volunteer Popcorn Tree Cassia senna didymobotrya seedlings at the top of these

potted succulents were just a wee little size, just over a week ago. Didn't want to waste the 

opportunity to relocate them in order for them to thrive just like any other living thing. 

All the while preserving the Originals to inhabit this choice potted spot and recovering in a 

spot with less intense light, so that some cuttings that strategically placed can repair.


                                                                   Interlopper free...yeah.



This the sunniest spot in the backyard and I hope you thrive and entertain us with your beauty,

but not without some of that over abundant rain water that this season has brought us. While

digging in this spot, it was dry as a bone. 

   Hauling over buckets of that wet stuff will be my 

pleasure, indeed.

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