Monday, July 11, 2022

Veggie Pots Setup

 You got ta love them Tomatoes and Eggplant.

    Tomato seeds from a last surviving tomato from my long standing, as in nearly four years,

Summer Sandwich tomato plant.

     The Eggplant is, now listen to this, a type of Ichiban, without saying what variety it may

be. Sounds suspect, but hey, it's hard to come buy, an Ichiban eggplant. Needless to say, I

couldn't pass these up. The leaves look a bit different than the variety I had years ago.

Once again, time will tell.

Newly planted and you tell how much they have grown in less than two weeks.

It never hurts to keep a swatch of shade cloth for our beastly hot Florida summer sunshine days,

for the newbies. Tomato seedlings have had almost a week jump on the eggplant seedlings and 

a couple of days with partial clouds to help welcoming these plantlets helped immensely.

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