Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Legendary Flower of The Underworld - Aspidistra elatior

Even this long time gardener can still be amazed and wowed. I planted these many
years ago and was told by this wise nurseryman that they have blooms but they
reside underground. As many times I would have to pull some out because they
would slowly spread and to keep them contained, Always remembering at the
back of my mind to keep on the look out for this elusive phenomenon. I must
of pulled up a nearly a dozen plants this go round, too, then surprise!

Elusive no more and not only enchanting, surreal and something one would find
on the bottom of some unexplored ocean trench miles below the surface of the ocean.

Only Microbes get to witness it's otherworldly beauty.

Also known as Cast Iron Plant known to be one of the first indoor plants kept in Victorian
times. Survive poor lighting conditions along with no doubt some major indoor
pollution from the gas the lighting used in those days.

Will have to re-bury these alien wonders of nature after this post. Can only image
what medicinal properties, hallucinogens that could be lurking in this curious terrestrial


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