Sunday, January 27, 2019

Saintpaulias - African Violet On Life Support

Trying to resuscitate this nearly lifeless specimen that's been sitting on a friends
windowsill where there was no way of recovering. After surgery, which comprised
of severing all dead material until I found some live flesh. That left me less than a half
inch of material just below the crown. Then soaked this wilted specimen into a bath
of warmed filtered water with a trace of orchid fertilizer. I will keep it under glass while
giving it twenty four hour illumination. While monitoring it's decimated vascular condition
improves by providing moisture from it's humid greenhouse conditions along with it's base
standing in the food rich water.

With occasional close inspections for signs of hydration, while  also
giving it fresh exchange of air and capturing my own exhalations of carbon dioxide
into it's captured glass environment. Giving it all it requires to sustain life and put forth
new roots to see if it can get to the next stage of thriving.

Now all it takes is time and patience.

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