Monday, January 28, 2019

Saintpaulias - African Violet On Life Support cont'd

Subject over nearly a twenty hour period shows signs of being hydrated.
The glass enclosure  shows lots of moisture accumulation. Not sure how
much of that moisture is from evaporation from the well of water that
the specimen is sitting in and how much of that moisture is through
the plant's transpiration process. I've reduced the water in the well so
as not to have the plant touching the water and increased the illumination's
intensity and keep and eye on hydration and see how long the plant can
maintain it's hydrated state with just the humid conditions provided.

I also felt that by reducing the plant's leaf surface there will be less
moisture loss through the plant it's self. Will start a bath of diluted
fertilizer for dipping to give it some minor nutrients. Will also consider
preparing a bed of shredded sphagnum moss for it to root in. Still
debating whether to let it root in water or the sphagnum moss.

I took some cuttings from it's companion of another variety of African
violet for support and if all goes well some new plantlets to keep it
company in it's new journey.

My biggest concern besides human intervention at the moment will be
the balance of moisture and rot/fungus prevention.

Look Ma, no roots. Not that I had any viable roots, going on for months now.

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