Wednesday, January 9, 2019

A World Under Plastic - Beaucarnea recurvata

In this modern world where everything is made of plastic. This
plastic conundrum can still bring wonder and beauty.

Take this Poneytail Palm plant cutting. Worlds away from it's island origins
and yet we can create an otherworldly island existence of it's own using what
we have collected around us. I happen to collect containers and rocks and both
will contain this tiny world of my making. Although there are so any elements
missing from this world and all the more reason to take a picture of it incase
this picture lasts longer than my original intentions.

What's another manmade island with some select stones along with some of
our Florida sugar white sand devoid of any nutrients, but best of all no humus
that could bring potentially deadly rot to this cutting.  Stones, two geodes and
a fossilized Tortoise shell. Imagine what worlds created those, will help weigh
down the cutting without having to rely on a moist base to do the same and
eventually setting down some roots.

A cover to contain some moisture and for the time being while the outdoor
temperature warm up it will have to make do with some indoor lighting.
Not asking too much right?

From work bench to where it can me admired, appreciated and looked after.
Just another world under plastic.

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