Monday, January 7, 2019

Florida Winter Gardening

Catching the winter light needs some shifting, planing and elevation of planters.

Some Cilantro harvested from our curbside market and with their
roots still intact this past Saturday gets a second chance on life by being
planted in my portable monstrous planter that gets placed in the low hanging
winter light. Along with my Sword bean and a collection of emerging pepper

My other white planter of tired Turkish tomatoes gets elevated
along with a major trim to see if they can be revived and ward off the impeding
fungus that only the weak, along with cool temperatures and low light bring.

My Lemon grass in the foreground is beginning to go to seed for the first time.

All the while the brown Anole lizards are lazying around taking in last winter rays
and any potential meal that might catch their eye and lightning fast jaws.

As I attend this impromptu gathering of edibles, I to catch some winter rays as my skin
converts them into vitamin D.

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