Now a picture of health and thriving while just minuets from being under glass.
While still being administered twenty-four hour lighting with some minor variations
of light intensities. Blasts of diluted fertilizer with minor nutrients. Intermittent exposure
times to where it is not under glass. If it's not under enough stresses already, lets introduce
more, but in this case, stresses that make it stronger.
All it's stems are rigid with fluids. What leafs that are intact and even those who's leafs
have been trimmed still look viable and green. Adding nutrients to the water well below.
Have even entertained obtaining some mineral water off the shelf and adding more nutrients
to that. One of three lamps that I am using are the last non-LED lighting in this Florida house
that puts out some needed nurturing heat.
While here is a picture hours from being under glass, non the worse.