Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Volunteer Bald Cypress - Taxodium distichum Seedlings (Nature Drama ) Update

Don't be distracted by that leafing out bud stage of the potted fig tree
top center. The star of the show is down center, in all it's scene stealing
beauty or for those horror fans.

There were once these twin seedlings and as the days go by one of the
once robust twin as taken ill and now appears to be having it's vibrance
sucked away by it's evil and once equal but now dominant twin.

But wait, there's another impending doom. That meek and mild fig tree
is setting the stage for it's winter transformation as it to finds it's own
vibrance as the season changes and making it's dominance known when
it flushes into into it's new foliage and robbing this seedling's life giving
energy from our ever growing sun's dominance.

Stay tuned, as Nature's life and death drama continues.

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