Sunday, February 25, 2018

First Time Bloom - Tricolored Jasmine - Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Tricolor'

After spotting this vine climbing up a Crape Myrtle and trying to
wrap my brain around what I was witnessing. I knew exactly that
as soon as I got home I was going to train this vine up this tree.

So today is when I noticed the vine up in the tree had bloom. I've
had this as a beautiful ground cover for at least five years. It's been
about two years since this vine had made it's way up into this tree
formed Crape Myrtle.

No competition here, what with the multicolored trunk
of the Crape Myrtle and another multicolored Jasmine

Typical pinwheel type flower, indicative to this variety and my first impression
of the scent is not as sweet with an added spiciness.

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