Sunday, March 13, 2016

Our City's Late Winter Spring Obsession Plant Sale = Billbergia 'Darth Vader'

A collector of Bromeliads and it's black color has been my
second Bromeliad in this non-colour range. One being a
specimen and two makes it a collection.

Note the star like blemishes in it's inner leaves. I can
see why some numbskull fell for the Star Wars
themed namesake, albeit due for lack of creativity and
an obvious Star Wars fanatic.

Went outdoors to find where the other pair of black Bromeliads
were located and what do I come across? A not often seen,
three foot Black snake. Wow, if there's not a dark force lurking
out there. I should of placed my phone on video instead of
photo, otherwise we would have had some pics of that black

While trying to seek out and capture this snake on digital. I came
across this little gem. The seed pod from a Clivia, cousin to the

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