Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Tads Day - Forty-One - Party of Two

Didn't think that these two greenies shouldn't have to wait any longer for their release to 

the great urban outdoors.



There's no mistaking these for twins, says the red-eyed frog to the ambered eyed one. You're

almost pickle green to I must be getting hungry. Hungry for the great outdoors.

Under the cover of early morning, next to the stately potted Afrocarpus. Home to one other said 

frog gets two more.

Now who's greener?

One of these looked for a short bit to as if it was going to get this far.

I had it in ICU for a day with it's buddy.

The one that has accomplished it's hang ten while the dizzy one is splayed out on the ground

with the least effort. Before arriving here it was spin swimming as if it's GPS or inner gyroscope

was on the blink. I didn't this was a fitting ending for a frog in a Talenti container so I scupped

it up and placed it back into it's container high up top the rock. Where it and it's mate chilled 

through the transformation with flying green colors as shown above.

The ambered eyed one with all the distinct aberrations might have been one of the several tiny 

tads that were  part of this school of tads and that brings our total of Fifty-Three and three

more to go where one froglet as already scaled the mighty wall of glass.

One, the climber, also known as Fifty-fifth.


Two and three or the one showing to the right will be the Fifty-sixth and the tail to the left

will be the Fifty-seventh, if all goes well.

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