Friday, August 21, 2020

Cacoa Tree Bonsai Redeux

My previous ramblings about this potted Cacao tree looking like a Bonsai. Well 

that thought planted a seed to take the next step further.

My ulterior motive here

is to lighten the weight of this potted tree and what 

better way to than eliminating some dead weight. Starting with a trimmed 

down planter, literally speaking. How about some grips, sacrificing an

electrical extension cord and thank you for that! I tried cutting 

down the original pot but it was too flimsy. If there is one thing to come out of this

knowing that a plant needs to feel secure and what better way do this is to have a solid 

base and to add to that is some secure tie downs until this plant can grow it's own.

That's the plan.

Trimmed planter and some added grips.

Some really gnarley roots and speaking of roots not a whole lot going on there considering the

size planter it was in. That in it's self knocks off at least twenty-five pounds right there. Whoo hoo!

Those engineered grips might be over kill but I have a tendency to over engineer my constructs.

Speaking of engineering, lets gets some tie downs going.

Would you look at that gnarl. Sweet! These tie downs aren't wrapped around the major roots, they

are only angering and will be able to removed at a future date when and if this specimen survives

this whimsy.

Adding some very light and course soil.

Taking a break from this rambling to wrap these grips, fitting of this living sculpture.


Some night photography to get the full picture and conclude this rambling.

Now that some true Bonsai scale if you ask me. We can forget trying to stunting the leaves

for a true authentic Bonsai. I don't think you will hear the Cacao tree complaining.

                                                              This afternoon's progress.


If things go south I can always lop off the top tier of this plant should emergency mergers

warrant it.

I must check up on my 54th frog, aka 57thTad and now known as Winky and that's another

whole other ramble *wink wink*.

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