Saturday, August 22, 2020

Tads Day - Fifty - Tad 57th Frog 54th

 Let me introduce the Tad Forest of Props and then some. Tads get a forest-side view.

 I would take a forest-side view over a lake or ocean view any day.

Latest addition to the props forest is a Violet bush seedling in the forefront and center. Still

have three items in water getting their root on.

I missed Winky's scale up the glass period and catch it in it's mermaid/man pose.

Don't look to close, but Winky is missing it's left eye, hence the name. I know, why bring attention

to this anomaly of sorts. Looking back some earlier pics just at the time it's hind legs were

merging I can now see that it was missing in it's earlier development. BTW this is my oldest froglet in

captivity, coming in at fifty days and only days away to being released to that big urban world

of mine.

Looking good Winky.

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