Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Recent Plantings Update


This Jackfruit tree, one of three is the finest and well what with the limited sun exposure

in my yard.              (this double spacing is annoying )

Of the three, this the only one with the tripled lobe leaves. While the other to trees

are just single. These were all started from seed, which could have bearing. Time,

as always ,will tell.



This Elderberry wilding is taking well to potted culture since it was dug up from my

other neighbor's yard. It even has a companion Bald Cypress seedling volunteer 

sprout keeping it company. 

I have nine mature Bald Cypress that I've planted on my property and they

produce plenty of cones and the squirrels aren't complaining. I could count

the volunteer seedlings on one hand in their twenty plus years life span.  So

this rare find could only be a good thing, maybe not for the seedling though.

This Elderberry specimen will test my form over function plant sensibility.

In one word, weedy is how I would describe it.

Their blossoms are legendary and is the main reason for my having this in my landscape.

This flower cutting was taken a couple weeks ago and it is a late season bloom that had

it's first bloom at the beginning of March.


Once again, time will tell if I even have enough sun to make this plant bloom.

If I only had a time machine.

Last weeks observation was worth another peek. To my surprise what I thought

might have been an aborted pup is not only green and vibrant but there are now

three pups instead of three at this Clivia's base.




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