Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Cacao Dressed Out

 Some fine gravel and dried fungus amongst us to add some Bonsai mystique.

Paths will be added and so I will pause....


 to provide paths to here and there for those that need some traditional guidance. 

While the rest go their merry way, you know who you are.


Oh yeah, that top tier as seen below on this shaggy Cacao has vanished. It was messing

with it's mojo.

Ok you gardening angels, do your magic.
































Sunday, August 23, 2020

Latest Props Graduation

 Looking good in royal blue too. From cuttings in water to potted soil.

This Parsley Arailia is one of the best in home or at work potted plant as long as you give

it what it needs, da! And that is, you ask?  Lite coarse potting soil, and African Violet

mix does best that as a good mix of perlite. This specimen is prone to root rot, ya you.

Your watering these too much. A lite mix can only do so much.

Tads Day - Fifty-Two - This Is It Froggy


Last Frog invitation.

New horizons and the best of luck buddy.               Your the oldest and I hope the wisest.



 The obligatory send off pics in the dead of night and a light drizzle of rain.

 And that's the end of this tail....hehe.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Tads Day - Fifty - Tad 57th Frog 54th

 Let me introduce the Tad Forest of Props and then some. Tads get a forest-side view.

 I would take a forest-side view over a lake or ocean view any day.

Latest addition to the props forest is a Violet bush seedling in the forefront and center. Still

have three items in water getting their root on.

I missed Winky's scale up the glass period and catch it in it's mermaid/man pose.

Don't look to close, but Winky is missing it's left eye, hence the name. I know, why bring attention

to this anomaly of sorts. Looking back some earlier pics just at the time it's hind legs were

merging I can now see that it was missing in it's earlier development. BTW this is my oldest froglet in

captivity, coming in at fifty days and only days away to being released to that big urban world

of mine.

Looking good Winky.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Cacoa Tree Bonsai Redeux

My previous ramblings about this potted Cacao tree looking like a Bonsai. Well 

that thought planted a seed to take the next step further.

My ulterior motive here

is to lighten the weight of this potted tree and what 

better way to than eliminating some dead weight. Starting with a trimmed 

down planter, literally speaking. How about some grips, sacrificing an

electrical extension cord and thank you for that! I tried cutting 

down the original pot but it was too flimsy. If there is one thing to come out of this

knowing that a plant needs to feel secure and what better way do this is to have a solid 

base and to add to that is some secure tie downs until this plant can grow it's own.

That's the plan.

Trimmed planter and some added grips.

Some really gnarley roots and speaking of roots not a whole lot going on there considering the

size planter it was in. That in it's self knocks off at least twenty-five pounds right there. Whoo hoo!

Those engineered grips might be over kill but I have a tendency to over engineer my constructs.

Speaking of engineering, lets gets some tie downs going.

Would you look at that gnarl. Sweet! These tie downs aren't wrapped around the major roots, they

are only angering and will be able to removed at a future date when and if this specimen survives

this whimsy.

Adding some very light and course soil.

Taking a break from this rambling to wrap these grips, fitting of this living sculpture.


Some night photography to get the full picture and conclude this rambling.

Now that some true Bonsai scale if you ask me. We can forget trying to stunting the leaves

for a true authentic Bonsai. I don't think you will hear the Cacao tree complaining.

                                                              This afternoon's progress.


If things go south I can always lop off the top tier of this plant should emergency mergers

warrant it.

I must check up on my 54th frog, aka 57thTad and now known as Winky and that's another

whole other ramble *wink wink*.

Cacoa Tree Bonsai Looking Good


More like a macro Bonsai. Will consider reducing the pot down accordingly. If anything

it would lighten the weight for as many times this pampered plant gets hauled indoors

per season. Five seasons old as of June.

Salvaged Concrete Slab Walkway Reduex


 Still a work in progress. Waiting on those relatively cool spells and lite mosquito time. Not asking

too much.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Tads Day - Forty-6 - #53rd Liftoff

Number 56 tad being photo bombed by Number 57 in the blur.

Practicing it's hang-ten or should I say hang-six outside the water.

Getting better at this but will have a change of mind and head back into the drink.

Gaining it's confidence back with some underwater hang-six.

Look Ma no tail, just a stubby.

Just chillin at the top.

Freedom, in broad daylight even. Which light do I stare into?

Number 57 now has the place all it's own. Now lets get going on developing them legs.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Tads Day Forty-Three -The 52th Freedom Jumper

In Thursday's morning light, scoping out the lay of the land, taking it all in with whatever senses frogs 

might have.

Be amazed little one!

Nah...I'll just sit here and chill. Nice!


To my best at accounting of tadpoles. There are fityseven total tads. One 

tad went down the kitchen drain. Looking back, as many water changes at the sink,

this could have been prevented by using a strainer in the sink's drain to prevent

this over enthusiastic tadpole mimicking a trout jumping a sluice on my

pouring the tads from their vessel into a net. While three froglets were found floating

dead in the water, of those, two were skeletonize, cannibalistic opportunist!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Recent Plantings Update


This Jackfruit tree, one of three is the finest and well what with the limited sun exposure

in my yard.              (this double spacing is annoying )

Of the three, this the only one with the tripled lobe leaves. While the other to trees

are just single. These were all started from seed, which could have bearing. Time,

as always ,will tell.



This Elderberry wilding is taking well to potted culture since it was dug up from my

other neighbor's yard. It even has a companion Bald Cypress seedling volunteer 

sprout keeping it company. 

I have nine mature Bald Cypress that I've planted on my property and they

produce plenty of cones and the squirrels aren't complaining. I could count

the volunteer seedlings on one hand in their twenty plus years life span.  So

this rare find could only be a good thing, maybe not for the seedling though.

This Elderberry specimen will test my form over function plant sensibility.

In one word, weedy is how I would describe it.

Their blossoms are legendary and is the main reason for my having this in my landscape.

This flower cutting was taken a couple weeks ago and it is a late season bloom that had

it's first bloom at the beginning of March.


Once again, time will tell if I even have enough sun to make this plant bloom.

If I only had a time machine.

Last weeks observation was worth another peek. To my surprise what I thought

might have been an aborted pup is not only green and vibrant but there are now

three pups instead of three at this Clivia's base.




Tads Day - Forty-One - Party of Two

Didn't think that these two greenies shouldn't have to wait any longer for their release to 

the great urban outdoors.



There's no mistaking these for twins, says the red-eyed frog to the ambered eyed one. You're

almost pickle green to I must be getting hungry. Hungry for the great outdoors.

Under the cover of early morning, next to the stately potted Afrocarpus. Home to one other said 

frog gets two more.

Now who's greener?

One of these looked for a short bit to as if it was going to get this far.

I had it in ICU for a day with it's buddy.

The one that has accomplished it's hang ten while the dizzy one is splayed out on the ground

with the least effort. Before arriving here it was spin swimming as if it's GPS or inner gyroscope

was on the blink. I didn't this was a fitting ending for a frog in a Talenti container so I scupped

it up and placed it back into it's container high up top the rock. Where it and it's mate chilled 

through the transformation with flying green colors as shown above.

The ambered eyed one with all the distinct aberrations might have been one of the several tiny 

tads that were  part of this school of tads and that brings our total of Fifty-Three and three

more to go where one froglet as already scaled the mighty wall of glass.

One, the climber, also known as Fifty-fifth.


Two and three or the one showing to the right will be the Fifty-sixth and the tail to the left

will be the Fifty-seventh, if all goes well.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tall Aralia Gets Some Needed Bracing


Neighbor gave me some Curly Willow sticks that came in handy for bracing this tall

Tads Day Thirty-Seven - Release Party of Five Plus One

 This party will bring the total of forty-six frogs off to a jumping start in life.

We had another tad death, which makes it three and I don't think I was including

them in my total count. An Accountant I am not and this release fell on around

the 7th of August.

First I would like to introduce Bendy the beautiful mermaid tad. First one in the

world that made up this last party. Close your eyes, because it's a stunner. Slowly

open your eyes, less you go blind by it's beauty.

I know, right?

Front end says this way and the back end has other plans and look at those curves. Hey, it got this

far with no problems.



Look  you all, no curves, as it mourns, it's uniqueness. 



Another night release and entirely new location, side of house next to drive way.




Wow, and you guys thought climbing a sliver of concrete was fun.

Sometimes little hoppers need a helping hand. Notice the begonia leaves, they are from my

graduating class of plant props. So these frogs from the graduating class of fast tracked

home school.

This one was so happy it peed on it's self.

 Which brings me to the Plus one.  I thought all six had been released and to only find out

that this wee one hopped back on board. As I sat their container on the counter for a rince

and wipe down I spied this guy but it was on the wrong side of the glass, as in on the 

outside of the glass. I immediately grab it gently and walked out the back door to be 

re-released, hence the Plus One by it's lonesome, next to this beautiful potted Afrocarpus

 and that leaves me with five remaining tadpoles, or pollywogs as we would call them when

first introduced to these wee ones, when I was a wee one.

Fresh digs and if you look to the right you will see the next candidate in making that fateful climb.

Or so I thought at the time.